Have you ever thought things like “My little bit of help really won’t make a difference” or “We have problems right here in the United States. Why should I worry about somewhere so far away?” I think most people at one point or another have entertained those thoughts.
All or nothing thinking is human nature. We are tempted to think “I can’t save the world, so why bother?” Just like we may think “Well there’s no way I can lose these 20 pounds by the weekend, so what the heck, go ahead and order a pizza.”
Just like every little thing we put in our mouths counts, every little act of kindness counts.
And the ripple effect is huge. It doesn’t matter if we have the satisfaction of seeing the recipient of our kindness next door or if the recipient is across the globe. The ripple has to start somewhere right?
That’s why I am so excited that together with my good friends Lyndsie and Shauna I am organizing an event to benefit Doctors Without Borders’ work in Syria. It is empowering to think that a few people with huge hearts will create a ripple of basic human kindness in an area where civil war broke out after 15 children were arrested and reportedly tortured for writing antigovernment graffiti and where chemical weaponry and other atrocious acts affect the lives of innocent children and adults leaving over a half MILLION people dead.
I don’t know about you, but with two small girls at home, I just can’t get the pictures and thoughts of those innocent kids out of my head.
And maybe even more important than the details of the cause or the organization, I am excited because this is a group of people with hearts of absolute gold who are coming together in a positive way to create change and that is inspiring!
If you are interested in knowing more about the situation in Syria, I thought this news story was helpful. If you are interested in knowing more about the Doctors Without Borders organization, you can go here.
I'd love for you to join me for a delicious dinner in support of Doctors Without Borders. All proceeds go directly to them!
(You will be redirected to a new website to register for this event).
What small thing are you going to do today to start your ripple of kindness?
Cheers To Your Day!
-Dr. Paige